Sunday 21 February 2016

Recent Developments

Well I have been very bad about posting lately. Want to know why?

I am in my last semester in college. Graduation is too close. Turns out there is a lot I've got to do before I start the next part of my life. I have not slept. I have worried. I know that if I keep working I will power through it all. Between internship hours, working part-time, going to class and an increasing number of commission gigs, I am holding onto every grain of sand in my ever running out hourglass. 

I've had some pretty cool commission opportunities lately. I am continuing to design some wine labels for Pour Life Choices, my cousins fiance's friends label. I have also modeled for that label so that other artists can use me for up and coming designs. That was fun. Turns out, not surprisingly, I have a defiance disorder. I just want to do the opposite of what people tell me to do (interesting mix with modeling). I am pretty excited that I have been offered to do artwork for a new wine bar that is opening up soon. It will be a lot of work but it is a great opportunity to leave my mark on this town before I leave it. I will definitely be posting some artwork to show you what I've been working on.

I am so in need of Spring Break, it's not even funny. Even though I was going to, I will not be going on some fancy vacation getaway. I want to take advantage of some "free time" to actually get going on my job search (along with the million and one projects I must attend to). Right now I feel so behind. Is this how everyone my age feels? Completely unprepared and overwhelmed?

 I will return to posting at a higher frequency once I take care of my work. Blogging is not easy when time management is next to impossible!

Any requests for posts?

Thursday 4 February 2016

The New Beauty Ideal: Barbies for the Future

This past weekend Mattel announced that it is updating its notorious Barbie doll to be more diverse with additions of body types that include curvy, petite and tall forms, according to TIME.The new Barbie dolls also will have a variety of skin tones and hairstyles. This should increase Barbie’s market, allowing a greater variety of young girls to have dolls they can personally identify with; the dolls look more like them rather than a standardized ideal.