Sunday 6 March 2016

Doing the I'm Possible

I'm going to be honest I haven't really felt like I can take on everything I am trying to lately. I am worried I am being too serious about my future to really enjoy the right now.

The right now: it's 9am and I still haven't slept. What a pointless all-nighter. Maybe I can pass on the blame to the double-shot of espresso I slipped into my vanilla cappacino last night. Maybe, and more likely, it's because of the anxiety I need to get over-- it's been getting worse even though people keep telling me it'll all work out in the end.
That's the thing- things don't just work out for me. I work very hard to make things happen as I want them to. Add a bit of Laura Luck and then things magically work out! What if my effort falls short of my goals? The unfortunate reality about being ambitious is that it is difficult to ever be satisfied. I always want more, better. If I stop trying to better myself it's like I'm dying, plunging helplessly into a natural state of entropy.

I have fallen short with posting on Ad Muse Nation. I did not make my blog a priority, which is a shame after the support it got early on. The advertising industry is so dynamic. I feel like I really have missed so much that has happened in beginning of 2016 by not posting as regularly as I used to.

What if I started now?

Is something really lost if you are willing to redeem it? I don't just mean my blog. I mean life-- friendships, love, business... to what ends can redemption be born of hope?

Ever have a bad day and make it worse because you labeled it as a bad day? If I can change my own mind I can begin to change my own reality. It's a start- maybe the one I need. It's close to graduation, so I am planning my new start. This excites and scares me. Both feelings are what keeps me awake at night.

Positive attracts positive (contrary to what rules of magnetism suggest). When you have a positive thought or something good happen in your life, it multiplies. I am ready to give power to the positive by acknowledging its existence.

Isn't it strange how we tend to care more about how others recognize us rather than how we recognize ourselves?  Well it's time to recognize my strengths rather than continually focusing on my weaknesses! Sometimes I worry that my passions are going to dissolve into my exhaustion of pursuing them.

I'd like to sleep but I only think I can once I find peace-- answers to questions, solutions to problems, meaning to action. With life moving too quickly and too slowly at the same time, I just feel tired. I feel like I have no choice but to simultaneously make several important choices! This is quite a dilemma for me and my indecisive tendency.

I think if I thought things were impossible I would stop trying to figure them out. My mind is tired from trying but it's still trying.  Slowly the mess of things that needed figuring out have organized into a list and have since turned into a shorter list. Yes, Ms. Hepburn, I'm Possible.


Yeah, I might try to sleep...

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