Friday 8 January 2016

The Most Interesting Man In The World

His words carry weight that would break a less interesting man's jaw.

Do you know who I am talking about? Jonathon Goldsmith, of course.

After seeing Forbes' article about people who have made fortunes acting in commercials I went to find more about one of my favorites: The Most Interesting Man In The World, commonly known as Jonathan Goldsmith.

Goldsmith is one of the most recognizable faces in beer advertising from his role for Dos Equis. Perhaps he may not lead the lavish life that his television character holds, but he is still notable as a actor having a net-worth of over $8 million.

"I promise I'm not the most interesting man I  the world,"  he says in an interview with Forbes, "I'm just fortunate enough to play him."

Goldsmith isn't actually Latino but a Russian Jew from New York. Now 76 years old,  the actor spends his time in Vermont when he is not shooting for Dos Equis commercials. How did someone with nothing become such a reputable face in the world of beer? His story is a rag-to-riches story. 

He spent his school days at NYU but was "asked to leave" because of his relationship with a married woman,  he claims. 

Goldsmith took part in New York City's Living Theatre post-college where he eventually competed for roles with Dustin  Hoffman and Robert Duvall. 

He played mostly bad guys in his early Hollywood career.  The 1976 film, The Shooting,  found Goldsmith on the wrong end of John Wayne's gun. 

His role as the face for Dos Equis came from an unlikely audition set up by his wife and agent,  Barbara.  He was worried that the casting director was looking for someone who was Latino and younger.  Goldsmith's convincing accent and improv abilities gave him the role of a lifetime.  Besides it makes sense that the most interesting man in the world is older-- he has life experiences. 

From Richard Branson to Barack Obama, Goldsmith has quite the Hollywood circle. He was went to Camp David as the surprise guest for President Barack Obama's birthday party. 

Goldsmith has also saved three people's lives.  He stopped a girl from drowning in Malibu, a stranded mountain climber from freezing to death on Mt. Whitney and also a girl who had fallen through insulation in an old house. 

This past year,  unfortunately,  Goldsmith is facing a lawsuit that is showing a weak side to his true character. A former manager who claims to have helped Goldsmith get the Dos Equis job says the actor was supposed to pay him 10% but had stopped after 2014. Is this an instance of Goldsmith being cheap or an agent being greedy?

I feel like claims of cheapness go against Goldsmith's character.  He is known for his philanthropy,  including his continuing support for Mines Advisory Group,  Hunger Free Vermont and Morris (Animal) Foundation. 

It's difficult to judge who Goldsmith is versus the character he plays. 

Ten of the best one-liners from his commercials:
1. If opportunity knocks and he's not home,  opportunity waits.
2. His mother has a tattoo that says "son."
3. If he were to mispronounce your name,  you would feel compelled to change it.
4. He once brought a knife to a gunfight... Just to even the odds.
5. He ran a marathon once, because it was on his way.
6. Batman watches Saturday morning cartoons about him.
7. He is fluent in all languages, including three that he only can speak.
8. When he has a 50/50 shot,  the odds are 80/20 in his favor.
9. If he were to Pat you on your back,  you would put it on your resume.
10. He has won the lifetime achievement award,  twice.

He is, indeed, the most interesting man in the world.

 I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays. I will be posting much more regularly again now that I am back to my normal routine.  Let me know if there's any specific subject related to advertising that you'd like me to write about.


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