Saturday 2 January 2016

It's a new year!

 Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted for a while (I know a whole week- wow!) I thought it was important to take a little break from academics after a paticularly challenging semester-- and it's the holidays, gotta spend time partying with family and friends. The party isn't over.

I know it is cheesy to say but I'm feeling really good about this new year. I am a bit of an optimist, if you haven't noticed. I am ready to own this year!

I think it is always important to reflect and move forward. It's not something we should just do for New Years Eve. I am confident and determined to make goals for this year and to complete them. I can exceed in my passions, my career and my social life. I know that being concious of what you want to do with your life really keeps you on track for actually arriving in the right direction. I face the direction I see my potential and happiness. Just looking into the future has helped me realize that it is not too far away. The goals that I have for the future are completely doable for me. Going into 2016 I am in a great spot in life.

A lot of change is coming but I believe we need change to advance. Let's personally evolve as individuals and as global citizens.

Here are my goals for Ad Muse Nation in 2016:
1. Continue to consistently post (3+ times a week)
2. Include more personal articles- perhaps interviews of professionals I know
3. Have more sponsors or affiliations (Ad Muse Nation is recently affiliated with College Tourist)
4. Share more about my travels (I have a lot of viewers who are interested in travel or travelers themselves. Travel is one of my passions and one thing I know will define my career)
5. Make it even prettier (I'm looking into a redesign. I have been working on creating a logo)
6. Take advice from my audience (that's you!) on what content you want me to share
7. Take advice from professors (I have wonderful resources right on my campus)
8. Promote my blog to more private groups that I am a part of- especially those on LinkedIn
9. Have guest writers/ contributors. Feature other bloggers
10. Get paid advertising (I don't think it'd be weird to have ads on a site that is about advertising)

My goals as a student/ professional in 2016:
1. Take on more freelance work (this is both writing and artwork commission)
2. Have more internship work (I already currently work for Bona Venue- which is blogging for conferences and events and I already work for the Study Abroad office. I am looking at a marketing internship where I can practice some of my business skills)
3. Own it in the student American Advertising Federation competition! (I am the graphic designer and I will make the plans book my life)
4. Apply for international jobs (I am looking at Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Netherlands, Germany and Ireland)
5. Make my digital portfolio the best that it can be
6. Get recommendations from my professors. Make sure to get as many strong letters as possible.
7. Complete my Honors Project (this project is my baby. Check it out on LinkedIn)
8. Hold the event for my Journalism Mass Communications capstone project.
9. Networking events (conferences, tours, meet and greets, casual coffee) and interview (go on job interviews even for jobs I don't want to know how I measure up as a professional)
10. Hone my graphic design skills using my new drawing board.
11. Enjoy being a senior. Last semester! Woot woot!

My goals for being a better friend, family member and person in 2016:
1. Be more involved in the charities that I support
2. Avoid bailing on plans at all costs. Being there for people is one of the most important things.
3. Make strangers into friends (I love networking and talking to people. I know there will be lots of new faces in my life in 2016)
4. No drama just good times (enjoy everyone I have in my life. keep it light, simple and fun)
5. Show the people in my life how much I appreciate them and why I do
6. Allow myself to forgive people and apologize for my own wrongs
7. No matter how stressful my schedule is, make time for the people who are important to me
8. Go on adventures
9. Be the one to treat others to something special (yes sir I will buy you a drink)
10. Always make time to talk on the phone with family members

My goals that are really fun things in 2016:
1. Have an amazing Spring Break and Spring Weekend
2. Get diving certified
3. Visit more breweries and vineyards
4. Go on an unplanned road trip
5. Climb mountains
6. Try something new (in the reckless and dangerous category..)
7. Create artwork for myself (it always seems to be pieces for commission or other people)
8. Throw a very large party
9. Buy myself an expensive adult gift (perhaps a nice business outfit, watch-- something like that)
10. Hang out with backpackers (I love backpacking and the type of people I meet who love it as well!)

That's what's going on with me. I hope you have a chance to take some time and really think about what your goals are for this year. I say there is no real point in having only one resolution. You always should be working to be better in all aspects of your life. If you want to be better, you have a much greater chance in actually being better.


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